
Friday, July 22, 2016


Podcasts And Stuff

Ok so I have tweeked the podcast format and now launched it as a Morning Show where we look at the previous night's action as well as previewing the games later on in the day and of course the latest football news from Malaysia and Indonesia. I will add Singapore to the coverage once their pointless League Cup ends its sorry journey.

The podcast is available in two formats; Soundcloud and Periscope. The beauty of course of Persicope is it offers me the opportunity to engage directly with listeners who have Periscope effect a radio phone in show but with more umms and errs!

Later on I hope to have people to talk to either on line or face to face but for now in the early stages it is just me. Also when the local leagues kick off I hope to do outside broadcasts from venues in the region but that is still a few weeks off.

The internet is an exciting place to be and since I started Jakarta Casual in 2006 I have tried to embrace as many platforms as possible as I try to provide the best English language coverage on Indonesian football...Now there is Jakarta Casual on Twitter, Instagram and You Tube as well as Blogger, Periscope and Soundcloud. No Facebook mind!

There is something punk about social media. A place where someone can make their own rules and see if anyone else is interested. My motif has been the same since I started writing...Write What You Wanna read and Film What You Wanna See. It isn't all about clicks. I will leave that for others with their endless tales of what the latest big name thinks or 5 things we learned from blah blah.

There are 240 million mostly anonymous people in Indonesia. That is 240 million stories the world ignores. Through Jakarta Casual and social media I try to tell just some of the stories because I think some of the stories are quite remarkable. I hope you do to...

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