Sunday, July 05, 2015
Sir Alex Ferguson To Get Involved In Indonesia Tournament?
The Independence Cup is slated to start in August and the organisers are getting very excited. So much so one of them has suggested they are trying to get Sir Alex Ferguson involved. Yep, you read that right. The wine loving Scot is apparently being wooed via his agent to help with the running of the cup being organised by a transition team on behalf of the government.
Apparently one member has been to Old Trafford to watch Manchester United play. What this means is not really made clear in the original story beyond the 'look at me' factor.
The organisers would also like Fergie to give a coaching clinic.
Now far be it for me, a mere blogger, to pour cold water on this wonderful idea but a couple of things cling to mind. The English Premier League kicks off early August. Do these people really think Fergie is going to give up his box seat at Old Trafford to fly halfway round the world to get in involved in this competition. And the second thing? FIFA, it will be recalled has banned Indonesia from international football. You think Fergie will overlook that?
Mind you there would be one attraction for Fergie in coming to Indonesia. The local culture of Jam karet gels nicely with his own idea of Fergie time!
Will it happen? The story is on a par with Minangkabu from the short lived IPL trying to sign Dennis Bergkamp!
So far the following teams have been roped into the competition that may or may not happen.
Group B - Perserang, Cilegon United, Persika Karawang, PSIR, Persip Pekalongan, Persidago
Group C - Persepam MU, Persebo, Bondowoso, Madiun Putra, Persekap Pasuruan, Persatu Tuban, Persinga Ngawi
Apparently one member has been to Old Trafford to watch Manchester United play. What this means is not really made clear in the original story beyond the 'look at me' factor.
The organisers would also like Fergie to give a coaching clinic.
Now far be it for me, a mere blogger, to pour cold water on this wonderful idea but a couple of things cling to mind. The English Premier League kicks off early August. Do these people really think Fergie is going to give up his box seat at Old Trafford to fly halfway round the world to get in involved in this competition. And the second thing? FIFA, it will be recalled has banned Indonesia from international football. You think Fergie will overlook that?
Mind you there would be one attraction for Fergie in coming to Indonesia. The local culture of Jam karet gels nicely with his own idea of Fergie time!
Will it happen? The story is on a par with Minangkabu from the short lived IPL trying to sign Dennis Bergkamp!
So far the following teams have been roped into the competition that may or may not happen.
Grup A: PSMS Medan, PSPS Pekanbaru, Persires Kuningan, Lampung FC, Kalteng Putra, Martapura FC
Grup B: Perserang, Cilegon United, Persika Karawang, PSIR Rembang, Persip Pekalongan, Persidago Gorontalo
Grup C: Persepam MU, Persebo Jaya Bondowoso, Madiun Putra, Persekap Pasuruan Jaya, Persatu Tuban, Persinga Ngawi. - See more at:
Group A - PSMS, PSPS, Lampung, Kalteng Putra, Martapura, PersiresGrup B: Perserang, Cilegon United, Persika Karawang, PSIR Rembang, Persip Pekalongan, Persidago Gorontalo
Grup C: Persepam MU, Persebo Jaya Bondowoso, Madiun Putra, Persekap Pasuruan Jaya, Persatu Tuban, Persinga Ngawi. - See more at:
Group B - Perserang, Cilegon United, Persika Karawang, PSIR, Persip Pekalongan, Persidago
Group C - Persepam MU, Persebo, Bondowoso, Madiun Putra, Persekap Pasuruan, Persatu Tuban, Persinga Ngawi