
Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Kean's New Home?

This story comes from Reuters

COMMENT - remember the story yesterday about former Blackburn Rovers manager Steve Kean heading to DPMM in the SLeague? Another story today by the way suggested former Arsenal, Everton etc etc striker Francis Jeffers may be heading for a trial there.

Anyway, Brunei are looking at introducing sharia law next year. 

Typically in Engaldn people get caned on a Saturday night but it usually means getting wasted or beaten up.

In Brunei it really could mean someone getting caned.

Imagine the phone call.

Steve - Franny, fancy coming out tonight?
Franny - yeah, anything on?
Steve - yeap, some robber his having his hands cut off
Franny - seen that last week
Steve - wait a minute, some guy having a bit on the side is gonna get stoned
Franny - pick me up at six!

There is no point to be scared of this sharia law if we do not commit any crime at all.
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