
Monday, December 05, 2011


Arema ISL Announce Squad

The done thing these days is for there to be two clubs sharing the same name, one competing in the 'official' IPL, the other in the ISL.

Arema won the ISL back in 2009/2010 but now will compete in the IPL while a 'new' Arema has been launched who will take part in the ISL. But while the IPL version will have the likes of Noh Alam Shah and M Ridhuan the ISL version has, on paper, a much weaker squad.

Coached by Wolfgang Pikal they have recruited heavily pre season but will it be enough to sustain a title challenge?

Arema fans have grown used having iconic players pull on the famous blue shirt, players like NAS, Pierre Njanka. Boy Jati? Marcio Souza? Seme Patrick is one player who could fill that role and he will be familiar to many Arema fans after a few years with neighbours Persema but if I was an Arema fan, and I'm not, I would be underwhelmed.


1. Dian Agus Prasetyo
2. Rudi Ardiansyah
3. Ngurah AP


1. Stephen Hesketh
2. Munhar
3. Kery Yudiono
4. Made Astawa
5. Seme Pierre Patrick
6. Waskito
7. Charis Yulianto
8. Johan Ibo


1. Ferry Aman Saragih
2. Dudi Hidayat
3. Anggo Yulian
4. Khusnul Yuli
5. Firmansyah Aprilianto
6. Nurul Mauladi
7. Catur Pamungkas
8. Kim Yong Hee


1. Boy Jati
2. Agung Suprayogi
3. Marcio Souza
4. Benny Kristian
5. Dicky Firasat

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