
Friday, November 18, 2011


EXCLUSIVE! The Latest On Indonesia

In answer to many requests about the latest here in Indonesia, hold on to your hats,

Umm, you see, there maybe, these, umm, but then again, you know, but also, err, then, but on the other hand, yeah, you see, umm, yeah, no, clearly, you know, umm, you see, there maybe, these, umm, but then again, you know, but also, err, then, but on the other hand, yeah, you see, umm, yeah, no, clearly, you know, there maybe, these, umm, but then again, you know, but also, err, then, but on the other hand, yeah, so there, you see, there maybe, these, umm, but then again, you know, but also, err, then, but on the other hand, yeah, you see, umm, yeah, no, clearly, you know, umm, you see, there maybe, these, umm, but then again, you know, but also, err, then, but on the other hand, yeah, you see, umm, yeah, no, clearly, you know, there maybe, these, umm, but then again, you know, but also, err, then, but on the other hand, yeah.

Hope that clears everything!

Good luck Young Garudas, you need it. Young Tigers all the way Invincibles?
Clear as mud.
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