Friday, September 23, 2011
What Happened ToThe Pro Reform Group
The Liga Primer Indonesia was supposed to Change The Game. Their words, not mine. They were never going to do that, my words, not theirs.
Now we have a new PSSI leadership and the brief interregnum of the LPI is becoming that of a poorly remembered dream. Something happened but we can't quite remember what it was.
The PSSI initially decided the new look top flight would have two regional divisions of 16 teams each. That, I guess, would allow for some of the newly merged LPI teams a place at the top table.
That decision was later changed to a single division 18 teams featuring 14 of last season's 15 Indonesia Super League teams as well as the four teams that got promoted.
That decision has since been amended and now the top division will feature 24 teams! The above 18, the three teams who jumped ship from ISL to LPI and were subsequently banned from football (Persema, Persibo and PSM), relegated Bontang (because people feel sorry for them) as well as PSMS and Persebaya (because they are 'big' teams).
So it looks like no merged teams, no LPI teams and in fact no real change. The new PSSI is acting much like the old PSSI and you can't help but wonder what happened to the pro reform group that magically appeared during the run in to the most recent elections.
Of course this may still change ahead of the new season that is scheduled to start 9th October. And will hibernate for one month while the nation concentrates on the Under 23 SEA Games.
In the six years I have been covering the game here there has yet to be one season that has been free of any interruption and that looks unlikely to change any time soon!