
Thursday, June 18, 2009


Jakarta Casual TV

And now for something completely different.

I've been writing about South East Asian football for 3 and a half years now. Since then I've added Asian Football Pictures to try and capture the passion and colour of the game in this part of the world.

It has always been my intention to add new ways of covering the game in this region. I have fiddled with podcasts but hey? Who listens to the radio these days anyway? I have contemplated Twitter but can't help thinking that particular platform is somewhat 'sad'.

Being at the stadium with half an eye on the game and the other half on a handphone doesn't do it for me. Once in a while I have provided regular updates on live games but it's not really my cup of tea.

So I have come up with Jakarta Casual TV.

Combining Blogger and You Tube, cheapskate that I am, I intend to bring bite size clips from the world of South East Asian football. Interviews, crowd scenes, football fan culture, I aim to try and cover things nobody else does.

Given the slow upload I get in my Jakartan based dingly dell clips will be kept to about two minutes or less so don't expect to find all the action from My Team v Kuala Muda or Persib v PSMS being uploaded.

So keep an eye out for Jakarta Casual TV...

Good luck with that. I'd have actually enjoyed a podcast on SEA football, but it's your site and your show.
thanks for the feedback tb

i ll bear your comments in mind...
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