
Monday, March 23, 2009


Politics takes over

With political campaigning under way and the ISL consigned to outposts of the archiplago, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Papua, us poor sods on Java have nothing to look forward to until the second tier IPL starts again on 11 April.

In the mean time Bung Karno Stadium, where a possible World Cup Final would be held, yeah yeah I know, has been given over to political parties for their mass rallies. What happens is they bus people in, give them t shirts, a flag to wave and some food, provide them with music then bore them to tears with speeches concieved in hell, all the while damaging the pitch.

With five parties booking the stadium, which is owned by the state, who will relay the turf in time for the football eh?

Almost makes you long for the well thought-out boredom that is Singapore.

or not. singapore hosted a friendly against australia ages back. it was supposed to be the farewell game at the national stadium - they were going to build a new one

nearly two years later on and the old stadium is still open. nothing has been done about a new one and people have even suggested playing big games on a floating pitch surrounded on three sides by water!
Heh. I did say, "almost".

Like the novelty factor of the floating pitch ... Singapore's answer to the 17th at Sawgrass. Must be a nightmare for the ball boys, though.
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