
Monday, August 11, 2008


Caceres Fancies Asia

Perak's leading goalscorer Carlos Caceres likes the lifestyle in South East Asia and hopes to stick around beyond the end of his contract with the Malaysian side.

The Malaysian FA's strange decision to ban foreigners from playing in the country next season means the Chilean needs to find a new club from the end of August and with 30 goals scored in all competitions so far you can be sure clubs in Singapore and Indonesia will be alerted to the 31 year old's availabilty.

His coach Steve Darby has been impressed by the mental strength shown by his leading scorer as he won sceptical fans over.

Darby said: "For a long period in the season he came under heavy criticism from a section of the hostile Perak crowd. It's a credit to his professionalism that he ignored the vindictive and often personal abuse and got on with his job of scoring goals. He was very close to returning to Chile at one point due to the aggressive abuse he and his family received, but the Perak players rallied around him as they realised his abilty to score goals was second to none and he was an excellent character as part of the team."

In the meantime Perak must face up to their AFC Cup challenge in September without their leading goalscorer.


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