
Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Singapore Football Media

Yeah I know. It's in there with George W Bush's knowledge of the world map, my right foot and Jose Mourinho's Humity for Dummies but they really did seem to take great delight in seeing Singapore lose on Monday against Uzbekistan.

Bear in mind the typical coverage of the SLeague in the printed press wouldn't fill the back of a postage stamp. Bear in mind their fawning over the English game.

It was clear they would plunge the knife into Singapore football; they love nothing better than to mock what's available in their own backyard condescendingly while gagging for their free tickets when the big games come around.

The contempt shown by the mainstream media to the game in Singapore should be replied with in kind. Their comments following 3-7 are beneath contempt especially as most of them wouldn't know a Duric from a Ridwan.

They can, and will, gloat. They will also continue to ignore the game domestically and instead saturate a generation of football fans with bullshit about the wags and wiches of Manchester United, Liverpool and Chelsea.

That's fine. It creates a vacuum and nature abhors vacuums so they fill them. Kallang Roar, Bola Sepako. People writing about something they love. When you write about something you feel passionately the message becomes a lot starker.

I'll be back in Singapore in a few weeks time. You can bet there'll be some empty seats in the press boxes...

Do let me know you are coming over again, man, see ya ard :)
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